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Ux User Experience Marketing Digital Seo

You probably have an idea about what user experience is. As said in the name, it’s about how your customers experience your website. Unfortunately, because of this dummy definition, many businesses only focus on their website design. It is true that design does a lot and has to be attractive, your brand image and your pictures have to be desirable and evoke emotions, but UX is much more than that!

“UX is the intangible design of a strategy that brings us to a solution” Eric Flowers

To understand user experience, you have to think about this specific part in your customer's journey, between the moment where they find your website on the search engine and the moment where they buy your product or contact you for your services.

On one hand, you have your goals and what you want your users to do on your website. On the other hand, you have your users’ motivations and goals. User Experience is about the value your website brings to your customers and how you reach their goals to make them meet yours.

The best way to study your website UX is to try to experience it as a new user.

The first impression is the most lasting:

Entering a website for the first time is like meeting someone for the first time: the first impression is crucial.

As a new user, you decide to enter this website because it was one of the first three websites on Google. From then it will take you approximately 8 seconds to decide if you want to stay on the website or have a look at the next one on google.

If you decide to stay on this website it’s probably because of the design that reflects the quality of its content and its creator. The pictures and the few keywords you recognised in the introduction allow you to think that you might find the information you want, therefore you decide to scroll down and see what you can find.

Indeed, the first screenshot of your site is critical and needs to show your customers all the potential your platform has.

Give trust and you’ll get it double in return.

Whether your goal is to buy or not, the first thing everybody does on a website is to look for information. Your content has to be accessible, useful and credible. You have to bring values and trust to your audience. When you are giving information to your users, you have to convince them that you are an expert on the subject matter.

Is your website content convincing enough? The journey from the information process to the buying process should be seamless. Your site is like a funnel to the call to action, whether it’s “contact us” or “buy”. If your pages give enough value to your audience, they won’t take the exit door to your competitor, but continue their journey until the end.

According to your story, your brand images and goals, there are a lot of ways to build successful and creative UX.

We can assist you in providing the best experience for your users. Contact us, we would love to hear about your project.